If you love Stripes, these beautiful pictures below might serve as an inspiration and motivate you to adopt the stripe trend. Stripes are everywhere and they give off a modern vibe yet they have a classic appeal, a unique quality about them.
Stripes can be thick or thin, going any direction (horizontal, diagonal or vertical), color blocked or a mix of all these. I love them paired with color / print blocked bangles (see Elle cover), chunky link neck chains (Elle cover and Gwen Stefani picture) or bright colored suspenders and white jacket which has such a nautical appeal (fourth picture with model Annaleise Smith). I also like the third outfit with model Annaleise Smith, where you see striped shirts paired with black jacket, bright fluorescent shorts and sneakers. Stripes are easy to incorporate into your looks and easy to pair with other pieces such as brights, floral prints etc. so I say candy stripes or nautical inspired, go ahead and stripe a great deal.